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Can I add more than one clinic to my account?

Yes. Doctor Clinic allows you to add multiple clinics

Do I need to pay doctor clinic for its services?

Yes. Doctor Clinic charges you by subscribing to its services.

What are the services provided by doctor clinic?

Doctor Clinic assists you in managing your schedules and patients booking. Also your clinic will be searchable online in our database. We also provide you with complete EMR (Electronic Medical Record) solution

Can I subscribe to only one service?

No. Subscription covers all the services provided by Doctor Clinic. You can however after subscribing utilize only the services you desire in Doctor Clinic

Can I change my profile after subscription?

Yes. After login to the system and with the proper access rights, you can easily update your profile data

What payment types do you accept?

We accept only Visa and MasterCard

Is your payment secure?

Yes. We don’t save your payment data. We simply redirect you to the bank gateway where you enter your card details and your payment is processed.

Can I cancel my subscription and return my money back?

You can cancel your subscription anytime by sending a message to support@doctor-clinic.net However, only new subscribers can get a refund within one week from subscription date. We will deduct 15% administrative cost from the fees that you paid and refund the rest

Is my data and my patients’ records secure and confidential?

Yes. Doctor Clinic allows only you and those you delegate on your behalf to view and modify your profile and your patients data. Additionally Doctor Clinic secures the communications between your browser and the system using SSL Certificates

Why can’t I modify my patient’s profile?

Patient profile (such as his / her name, age, full name) is shared among clinic centers in the system. Only the patient or the clinic which created the profile can change the profile. Other clinics can only add medical records to patients

Can other Clinics in the system view patients’ medical records I created?

No. Patients’ profiles are shared among all clinics in the system. However, patients’ medical records are restricted to clinics that created those records.